How can you get past a ‘creative’ block?

Yutika Pahuja
UX Planet
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2021


Have you ever had those days where you couldn’t figure out how to go about a project or simply do your job?

That’s because you’re most likely experiencing a creative block. The failure to reach one’s own imagination or obstacles to inspiration is known as creative blocks. Authors, singers, dancers, and creators who work in artistic fields are most likely to experience creative blocks, which may last for days, weeks, months, or even years. When creative blocks appear, they may have a negative impact on work, success, and well-being.

However, having one might not necessarily be a bad thing. We are reminded of our individuality through creative blocks. If we creatives have blocks, we also have epiphanies, which suggests we’ve reached into an extraterrestrial source of motivation. When you feel “blocked,” it’s always just your inner self reminding you that you’re capable of more. As a result, it is essentially very important if it encourages us to reconsider our thoughts, the effect they may have on the world if it reminds us that we are special, or if it helps us do our best possible work. It has the potential to bring us to a higher level of sophistication and adherence to our artistic calling, guiding us to pause for the ideal moment to begin our work.

But with that being said, a creative block could get very frustrating, or even career-ending. And if you rely on your creativity to pay the bills and grow your reputation, you can’t afford to be short on ideas or the energy to put them into action!

Dealing with a creative block
The method of grappling with a creative barrier by Adam J. Kurtz

There are several possible explanations, including mental blockage, cognitive barriers, personal problems, etc, or even too much or too little information on your project. But, rather than focusing on the issue, let us turn our attention to the solutions to these problems. After surveying, reading, and speaking with creatives, I’ve discovered a shared framework for what helps them and, more importantly, what might help us get through this stumbling block; after all, no one wants to be stuck in this stage for too long.

1. Educate, learn and research

It’s almost inevitable that you’ll touch a creative wall if you’re having trouble grasping the idea behind your project. You may begin by gaining a deeper understanding of your topic of interest by considering it from various perspectives and/or disciplines, seeking inspiration, etc. Get creative, break boundaries and have fun! Research and learning doesn’t have to be boring, you just need to find your rhythm.

2. Try making lists

If you’re confident that you have enough context information for your project concept, start by making a list of everything that comes to mind. For example, in order to write this post, I compiled a list of stuff I learned about creative blocks or what I feel works for me.

Creative Blocks:

  • Inspiration
  • Lack of ideas
  • Lack of authenticity
  • Mental blocks and so on…

By doing so, you are not only noting critical facets of your subject but also paving the way for you to see these subjects from a new lens, from a different viewpoint, by being more open-minded.

Note: You could keep adding to the list as time goes by, or you could choose a certain point and repeat the process to delve deeper.

3. Take a walk

Walking improved a person’s artistic productivity by 60% on average, according to a Stanford report from 2014. Walking indoors and/or outside boosted artistic creativity as the key of influence is the process of walking itself, rather than the atmosphere. Participants who sat, on the other hand, only provided half as many imaginative responses as those who walked. There are several possible explanations, including mental blockage, cognitive barriers, personal problems, etc, or even too much or too less information on your project. But, rather than focusing on the issue, let us turn our attention to the solutions to these problems. After surveying, reading, and speaking with creatives, I’ve discovered a shared framework for what helps them and, more importantly, what might help us get through this stumbling block; after all, no one wants to be stuck in this stage for too long.

4. Take a break

On the other hand, taking a break would allow you to register, make necessary associations, and mind map the whole idea. It can also assist you in feeling more rested and returning to work with renewed vigor. It’s all about finding the right balance!

5. Break it down into smaller chunks and start the work

A project may become so large and daunting that we lose sight of what actually counts and/or get lost. Find a way to organize the tasks so that they can be broken down into small chunks. You should work on them one at a time, and the whole picture would gradually fall together. This way, you’ll be able to get started on the project while still avoiding exhaustion.

Note: The above-mentioned techniques are ways I found most people find helpful. However, it doesn’t guarantee results. It provides an outlook on how one can go about this situation. Feel free to share your experiences and/or techniques with us in the comment section!

The best of us experience creative blocks from time to time, but it doesn’t have to stop our journey. Remind yourself that being stuck isn’t the worst thing in the world. We must keep in mind that these roadblocks are merely a part of the artistic process. It takes a lot of effort to come up with something modern and exclusive. You are not a lesser performer, and you need not be caught in an artistic rut indefinitely. This time is always a reference to a major breakthrough.

Don’t let a lack of creativity get the best of you. All the very best!



23 y/o Product Designer from namma Bengaluru | Adventurer by heart ❤